Wardrobe Unlock Analyser is site for exploring the plethora of available aesthetic unlocks in Guild Wars 2, with a goal of helping you discover affordable unlocks to acquire - especially with a view to optimising items you can obtain from the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock items.
Major functions:
Enter your api key (with unlocks and progression permissions) to filter out items you have already acquired.
A number of display mode are available to aid any purchasing decisions, such as filtered by acquisition method or sorting by TP price
An advanced filter is available - this allows you to select what currencies to include or exclude from the result (defaulting to empty). So you filter to "All Unlocks available with gold but not on the TP", for example.
Unlocks can be displayed as icons or text - text enables the use of "Find on this page..." if you want to find a specific unlock. You can click on the icons or text for further details.
Unlocks can be limited to those available from the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock items.
Major categorizations (e.g. Armor, Weapons) can be folded up by clicking on their title bar.
The analyse tab allows you to enter the minimum value you wish to gain when opening a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock to generate a shopping list of unlocks to purchase. The items can be clicked on to see further details. This only deals with items available from the TP - make sure you haven't missed items available from other sources!
Advice for Optimising Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock
First of all, if you have a character slot free remake a character to unlock all the character creation skins - thief masks, engineer tools, guardian armor, and so on.
Look at what unlocks are available with currencies you have a stock pile of - a lot of unlocks can obtained with Karma or Badges of Honor, or any other currency you don't otherwise use.
Also check out what unlocks are available through achievements, or through the story.
It is also worth reviewing items you can craft as well - things like the profession back items can be crafted for cheap.
Once you have all the rest out of the way, you can sort by buy price and start looking at what you might be missing from cheapest to most expensive. I'm not going to make a recommendation on how much to spend this way - it depends on what resources you have and how comprehensive
your existing unlocks are - but you can use the analyse tab to get a sense of the cost of obtaining everything less than a given price point.
Added full support for Kite Tail Gang Hunting Bond items
Added 8th birthday acquisition information
Updated for latest Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock update
Added check boxes to the analysis page items, to aid tracking of purchased skins
Added sort sets by buy/sell price display modes, to aid determining cheaper sets
Updated for chapter 1 of The Icebrood Saga
Added support for novelties
Added LS4 episode 6 currency
Completed updates for guaranteed wardrobe unlock additions
Added option to analyse for all skins, rather than just guaranteed wardrobe unlock skins
Racing and other additions
Added more filter options, including advanced mode
Added more currencies
Mount skin support
6th Birthday and other things
Updated for Living Story 4 Chapter 3
Updated for Living Story 4 Chapter 2
Changed to Wardrobe Unlock Analyser with support for all skins
Added filters for tp-only buy and sell prices
Added shopping list to analyse page
Added handling for spaces at the start/end of api keys
Added filter by Living Story 3 currency
Updated for PoF release
Changed sorting by buy/sell price to also include gold vendor price, if any.
Changed total values to include non-tp items if they are available for gold from a vendor.
Added content of 5th birthday dye pack
Corrected finishers now that non-permanent finishers with uses remaining don't count as unlocked
Tracked down the one missing skin (Steam Speargun)
Categorisation and acquisition is now done. Everything should be correct but I think I am missing one skin. Full review to follow.
Added missing Badges of Honor + Coin vendors for racial skins
Worked out how to force recache of image maps
Fixed a bug that caused the wrong dye color to appear in the details pane
Did a review of skins, mostly done. Discovered ArenaNet miscategorised an outfit as a skin, and a couple of other oddities.
Started categorising and adding acquisition methods to skins
Added new unlocks. The process of double checking correctness is still in process, and many unlocks still need to be correctly grouped and marked with acquisition method.
Dyes are done
Gliders are done, although Black Lion Chest only items still need to be marked.
Outfits are done.
Mail carriers are done.
Minis largely done, but need to mark those acquired using Living Story 3 currencies
Added text vs icon view modes
Added newest Black Lion Miniature Claim Ticket acquisitions
Added a couple of missing Chainmail skins (I had previously missed these because my level 1 new account guardian had them unlocked from creation).
Improved api key entry, and added storage of the key across sessions.
Improved display on mobile devices.
Improved ordering of items.
Added vendor prices. This is experimental, and some information may be incorrect or missing.
Added a tool for calculating the cost to achieve a desired minimum unlock value.
Various site layout improvements.
Data and skin icon assets are obtained through the GW2 API and are property of ArenaNet